November 20, 2012

Honda Bay Palawan (Day 3)

Category: Travel Destination
Location: Honda Bay, Palawan

And my last tour schedule for was set for Honda Bay.

Around 8AM, I was already fetched by the tour guide. Before going to the pier, we had to stop by a snorkeling gear hop for those who want to snorkel.

Our first stop is the Pambato Reef. This is a guided snorkeling spot where you have to follow the ropes to find your way and get to view the beautiful area under the ocean.

Next was the Isla Pandan, we stayed here until 2 PM. We had our lunch here too. It was a great sunny day which makes the island more beautiful with the blue waters and white sands surrounding it. 

By 2 PM, we were set to go back to the main Puerto Prinsesa. Before that, we stopped by at this island for about 15 minutes for picture taking. 

And that's all for my Honday Bay tour. :) Coming back? Hmmm.. I guess not, but it was beautiful though.

November 18, 2012

Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park Tour (Day 2)

Category: Travel Destination
Location: Puerto Princesa, Palawan

The famous Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park Tour was the schedule for our 2nd day. The Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park is now one of the New7Wonders of Nature. I was thankful I had the chance to visit this place. What makes this tour more enjoyable was my tour mates who were beautiful family taking a vacation together. The day was more fun being with them. Too bad I have a bad memory, I can’t remember their names na.

On our way to the famous PPUR, we had many stops. I was fetched by the new tour guide, Jane around 8:30 AM.

10:30AM – Our first stop is Buenavista Viewdeck. Oh, not really, I think it the 2nd one, I forgot that we stopped at a tourist comfort room first where a little girl asked me for a bless (mano po) while waiting for the rest. Going back to Buenavista, when we arrived there, the young girls started dancing a Hawaiian dance to welcome us. I took pictures from the breathtaking view of Ulugan Bay during our stop for about 10 minutes and head back to our van.

Ulugan Bay, 180 degree view from the view deck
10:58AM – Ugong Rock Adventure was our next destination. You can do Zip line and Spelunking here which I didn’t try, I enjoyed myself by looking around the plants and other tourist while waiting for my tour mates who went to try the activities.

12:34PM – We stopped by at Karsdt Mountain to take pictures for about 10 minutes. I am already hungry!!

Karsdt Mountain
Karsdt Mountain
12:59PM – We finally arrived at Sabang Beach. We had to walk about 100 meters along the beach side for our lunch which is a little bit of a disappointment for me. I didn’t like the food that much and it’s not even looking delicious. It’s not the kind of food I usually get when eating in a buffet. I was expecting a buffet like what we get to see in Boracay where you can choose from several seafood dishes!

Sabang Beach
1:30PM – After our lunch, we head back to the port for our banca ride going to the Famous Underground River. We had to wait for a few minutes to get our assigned bancas. The ride going to island is bit rough because the tides are starting to get stronger. It took us around 20min to get to the island.

2:08PM – And finally, we arrived at the island. We took pictures for a while and wait for our travel guide to finish the arrangements necessary for the tour. The island has a wild animals roaming around, and beforehand, we were told not to feed any of the wild animals. Also we were warned with our bags and plastics bags because the monkeys around the island may grab it.

2:20PM – We head to the entrance of the underground river where the tourist wait for their number to called. So while waiting for our number, we took pictures around the island. Everybody in the group was busy with their camera, smiles and pose. Then suddenly it started to rain for about 20-30 minutes and we have to stop what we are doing.

Entrance to the Underground river
3:01PM – Finally it’s our turn. Everybody on the group is ready with their helmets and life jackets. The teens in our family are just so excited which makes me feel excited too. As we slowly enter the cave, the boat man which also acts our guide, started to lecture us about the cave. Inside is very dark and all that we have is the flashlight to light our path. I was kinda freaking a bit inside thinking for a crocodile would suddenly emerge from the waters or the cave would suddenly crumble and we will be trapped inside. Thought it was dark inside, it will also give you the best view for the stalactites and stalagmites that are shining like a diamond. You can also see inside the cave different formation of stalactites and stalagmites such as the cathedral, Mary, vegetables and many more. There is also a bat cave where most of the bats inside the river stay.

3:44PM – We have finished the tour which runs for about 45 minutes and I was really relieved to see the sunlight. 

3:55PM – We went back to beach where our banca going back to Sabang was waiting. Then it suddenly rained. So we had to stay until the rain slows down.

4:13PM – The rain slows down so we took the ride back. But instead while we are on the middle of our trip, it suddenly rain again and the ocean current are starting to get stronger. But everybody kept calm until we reached the mainland. Everybody was soaked with both rain and sea.

4:30PM – After washing up, though not all of us have brought extra clothes, we immediately leave for the city. And on our way, everybody was asleep including me and except the driver.

Around 6PM – I asked the driver to drop me at Robinson’s and bid my goodbye to my lovely tour mates. They even invite me to join them at Kinabuch, but I declined politely though I really want to.
My 2nd day at Palawan was the day I enjoyed the most.

Happy Kid at the end of the day! :)

November 17, 2012

Palawan City Tour Experience (Day - 1)

Category: Travel Destination
Location: Puerto Princesa, Palawan

Here's my Puerto Prinsesa City tour experience. As what normally tours are, you are only given 15 - 20 minutes each destination for picture taking and sight-seeing. Introduction and history telling was usually done by our tour guide in the van. Usual payment is 600 pesos. 

07:05AM – Arrived at Cebu early in the morning. I visited the Basilica Minore del Sto. NiƱo de Cebu and had breakfast nearby before heading to Mactan Airport for my Puerto Prinsesa flight.

11:32AM – Our plane landed safely at Puerto Princesa Airport and the pension driver to pick me up was already waiting outside. I love how the van kept clean and comfy. When I arrived at the Tres Pensionne House, the place is quite and relaxing. I love the place but I hate that it’s a bit far from the main road.

01:21PM – The tour guide picked me up at the pensione house. I like him a lot as his so lovely and friendly. When I went to the van, a family who’s also on tour was with us. And later went to Astoria to pick up 2 Japanese nationals who are also booked with us for the City Tour.

02:21PM – We arrived at our first stop, at the Baker’s Hill. The place is quite nice and relaxing, well-maintained and picturesque landscapes. Inside, there is also a restaurant where you can order foods, the bakery, souvenir shop which sells t-shirts and also outside the bakery are few tables selling pearls. I love the chocolate crinkle sold in the bakery, it is very delicious. After 1 hour, we moved to our next destination.

L: One of the beautiful landscapes found at Baker's Hill
R: These are real flowers arranged beautifully
03:19PM – Not so far from the Baker’s Hill is the Mitras Ranch. According to the tour guide, the place is the rest house of the Mitra family. Well, the place is really nice and is really good for relaxing except for the busy tourist. Zip line and horse back riding is also available here but you have to pay for it if you want to try. We stayed here for 15 minutes for picture taking and headed to our next stop.

View on Mitra's Ranch ruined by the remains from a forest fire
03:46PM – Our next destination is the Crocodile Farm, the home of the largest crocodile in the Philippines before Lolong. It’s like a mini zoo, not only crocodiles are found here but some of the rare animals that we don’t usually see are also found here and not just that, you can take pictures with them for only 20-30 php.

The crocodiles!

04:50PM – After the world famous Calvin Klein ordered stuffs from Binuatan Creations, it became famous and became one of the tourist destination for city tour in Puerto Prinsesa. The staffs here will teach you how to weave the placemats and will let you do it too. Also, a store is located inside where you can also buy their products placemats, bags, wallets, etc at reasonable price.

05:16PM – We went to Plaza Cuartel, it is said that in this place is where the American soldiers were killed by the Japanese. According to our tour guide, the underground which was the prison cell is kept close because of the deadly gas fumes that can still be harmful among locals.

05:30PM – Just across Plaza Cuartel the Immaculate Conception Cathedral. The tour guide will let you visit for about 5-10minutes for picture taking and pray for Catholics like me.

06:15PM – We headed to a pearl store which I forgot the name. The pearls are so attractive and I regretted it I didn’t buy a pair for the South Sea Pearl.

06:30PM – The other group with us asked to take them to the souvenir shop or the tyangge. I bought few t-shirt and some cashew nut products. I love the cashew Tart they sell there. The time is very limited so I wasn’t able to buy everything I wanted.

07:00PM – Headed back to Tres Pension House.

Overall, my Puerto Princesa City tour was not that great but good enough. Worth for what you paid for. My many thanks to the amazing tour guide (I think it was Jeffrey) who never fails to offer to take a picture for me instead of taking selcas myself.

November 16, 2012

Faith / Shinui

I watched this because of Lee Min Ho.

Poster credits to wikipedia
At first, I was enjoying the drama, specially the unique introduction during the first episode. The animinated presentation and the time travel from the past to present back to past. It was really interesting. Throughout the drama, the actors were great, they performed well and the story is good too. But sometimes, there are moments that are too dragging too. I think this was the first historical drama for Lee Min Ho. He performed it very well. As well as the High Doctor, she has performed well. She’s really cute too. Not to mention the nice progression of the king and queen's love story. This couple is so cute too... :)

On the last episode, seeing Lee Min Ho with beards kind of weird, I guess he will get old handsomely.