August 30, 2013 Review

Category: Internet Shopping

I have always been curious how to order dresses from China. Even before I was planning to start a RTW online shop, I have already bumped into several whole sale websites I can find online. But I get hesitant to buy since it’s from China and we all know that purchasing from abroad will some Customs Tax when delivered that is why I backed out.

Just now I’ve got some penny to spare, I tried ordering to one of the many websites I have bumped into. also sells items from China and claimed to be at a wholesale price. But then I think their price is a bit higher compared to one of the sites I have found but I’m not gonna mention. What makes me order from this is their lower charge for shipping, which is I am more concerned with.

I first search for reliable reviews online about this site and found one which I forgot the link. She ordered and got it delivered after a week. Then I tried to make my own order for a couple of dresses and use DPEX as my courier. The dresses were of good quality, it’s the same one we see on malls too. The local courier who delivered was LBC, I think they are tied-up with DPEX or Toll Express, whatever it is.

And what is the thing I was most happy about? There was no Customs Tax! I guess I’ll be shopping again at

August 23, 2013

Diary Entry # 32: Surprise!

As they say, killer cramps are not normal.

Normally during my period, I don’t feel anything except that I am tired. Unlike my girl friends, I don’t experience any pain or cramps or any uncomfortable issues during my 3-day monthly period. Early this year, I have noticed pain during my period especially during bowel movements. I have a higher tolerance with pain, but this one is different. It felt like something is stuck and my BM is forcing its way out. I just ignored it at first thinking it was nothing. As months passes by, it continues to occur every period.

It was really painful that whatever it is I am doing forces me stop. It usually occurs on my first and second day of my period during my bowel movement. While sitting my throne in the toilet and let the bowel flow, I sometime clench my hands on the walls feeling the pain while those shits' coming out. The pain sometimes makes me cry while on the toilet.

So I finally decided to visit my Gyne and have my pelvic checked.  Everything else is normal, no mass or any enlargements found except that I have a retroverted uterus. She mentioned endometriosis. Then I started to get worried. After explaining a bit about the condition, what makes me worried more is when she advised to get pregnant sooner as there will be a possibility of infertility if pregnancy is delayed.

I am 27, and have a boyfriend who love kids a lot. We have plans already, when, marriage, kids. When I told him about it, we we’re both shocked as we are still not ready to have a kid on our own. Financially, we are not yet stable and still trying to enjoy our salary for ourselves-clothes, travels, gadgets and saving only a bit for the future. Mentally, our mind is not yet set for marriage. We have not expected this to happen and we are both stunned as if everything will have to be fast forward.

Life is full of surprises they say. Whatever will come on our lives, I hope it’s the better part.